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Where to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineers: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

Apr 7, 20237 min read

Michał Pruciak

Michał is a highly skilled Business Development Manager with a passion for the intersection of medical technology and cutting-edge technology. When he's not working, Michał can often be found enjoying a good movie or hitting the trails for a hike.

Where to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineers: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers

Machine learning has become increasingly important in today's digital world, and finding the best machine learning engineers is crucial for businesses. In a nutshell, machine learning engineers are both data scientists and computer programmers at once.  It’s a challenge for employers to find a professional, as the demand for skilled machine learning engineers is high, with the fierce competition for top talent. We will discuss the challenges of traditional hiring channels, and the advantages of working with a company specializing in IT staff augmentation, such as Ideamotive.


Machine Learning Engineers work on the crossroads

Traditional Hiring Channels vs Ideamotive

Job boards, referrals, and recruiting agencies are the most common channels for hiring machine learning engineers. Job boards such as Indeed, Glassdoor, Upwork, or Guru allow employers to post job openings and search for candidates. However, these channels have their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, job boards may attract many unqualified candidates, while referrals may not provide a diverse pool of candidates. In addition, recruiting agencies may be expensive and may only sometimes understand the employer's unique needs. Ideamotive can help streamline the traditional hiring process by leveraging our expertise in IT staffing to identify the best candidates for each position.

  1. We specialize in IT staff augmentation, which means we deeply understand the IT industry and business needs and can assess the best candidates for each position. This expertise can save time and resources when searching for qualified candidates.

  2. Ideamotive's HR Managers have a network of qualified candidates, including machine learning engineers, which they have vetted and screened to ensure their skills and experience are a good match for your project. 

  3. We also can help navigate traditional hiring channels, online communities and platforms, industry-specific conferences and events, and social media and networking to find the best machine learning engineers. 

Which Online Communities and Platforms Can Help in Hiring ML Engineers?

Online communities and platforms like Kaggle, GitHub, and Stack Overflow can also help find machine learning engineers. These platforms allow employers to search for candidates based on their skills and experience and may offer a more targeted pool of candidates. However, navigating these platforms and identifying the best candidates can take time and effort.


Let's explore three popular platforms - Kaggle, GitHub, and Stack Overflow - and the advantages and disadvantages of each when it comes to finding the best machine learning engineers.

1. Kaggle

A popular platform among data scientists and machine learning enthusiasts. It is a community-driven platform that hosts various data scientists and machine learning jobs, competitions, and projects. Kaggle is a great place to find talented machine learning engineers passionate about data science, neural networks, deep learning, and machine learning. The best thing you want to know about Kaggle is that it provides a platform for employers to evaluate candidates based on their real-world experience.


  • Access to a vast community of machine learning enthusiasts;
  • Candidates have demonstrated experience through participating in competitions and projects;
  • Employers can evaluate candidates' skills and expertise through their Kaggle profiles.


  • Kaggle is not a job board, so finding available candidates for hire may be challenging;
  • Not all candidates on Kaggle are actively looking for job opportunities;
  • Some candidates may focus on competing rather than being interested in job opportunities.

Where to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineers - Kaggle

2. GitHub

A platform for hosting and collaborating on code repositories. It is a popular platform among software developers and machine learning engineers. There are machine learning engineers and artificial intelligence specialists actively contributing to open-source projects. One of the best things about GitHub is that it allows employers to evaluate candidates based on their code contributions.


  • Access to a large community of software engineers and ML engineers;
  • Candidates have demonstrated experience through their code contributions and repositories;
  • Employers can evaluate candidates' skills and expertise through their GitHub profiles.


  • Not all candidates on GitHub are actively looking for job opportunities;
  • Some talented candidates may not have a public GitHub profile or may not contribute to open-source projects;
  • GitHub profiles may provide a partial picture of a candidate's skills and experience.

Where to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineers - GitHub

3. Stack Overflow

A platform to find answers to technical questions related to data development skills and machine learning algorithms. It is a popular platform among software developers and machine learning engineers. One of the vital things about Stack Overflow is that it allows employers to evaluate candidates based on their technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.


  • Access to a large community of software developers and machine learning engineers;
  • Candidates have demonstrated technical knowledge and problem-solving skills through their contributions to Stack Overflow;
  • Employers can evaluate candidates' skills and experience through their Stack Overflow profiles.


  • Stack Overflow is not a job board, so finding available candidates for hire may be challenging;
  • Not all candidates on Stack Overflow are actively looking for job opportunities;
  • Stack Overflow profiles may only partially depict a candidate's skills and experience.

Each platform has advantages and disadvantages, and employers must choose the platform that best fits their hiring needs. For example, Kaggle is a great way to evaluate candidates' real-world experience, GitHub is great for assessing candidates' code contributions, and Stack Overflow is great for evaluating candidates' technical knowledge and problem-solving skills.


Where to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineers - StackOverflow

Which Industry-Specific Conferences and Events Can Help Hire a ML Talent?

Attending industry-specific conferences and events can also be a great way to find machine learning engineers. These events help businesses network with professionals to study the latest trends and technologies. Examples of industry-specific conferences and events to consider include:

Career fairs are a great way to meet face-to-face with potential candidates and get a feel for their personalities and qualifications. However, they can be expensive and time-consuming for employers, and the pool of candidates may be smaller than with other channels.


Employers can meet potential candidates in a more informal setting and get to know them personally at professional networking events. However, these events can be expensive and require travel for employers and candidates.


The team at Ideamotive can help by finding conferences and events to attend that are relevant to you and guiding networking effectively. As we know the IT industry, we can quickly find business-related conferences and events for businesses based on our specific needs and requirements. Our expertise can save you time and resources when searching for industry-specific conferences and events to attend.

We also have a network of contacts in the industry, which we can use to identify the most relevant and trustworthy conferences and events to attend. So, you will participate in reputable conferences and events that provide valuable networking opportunities.

Can I Find a Talent in Social Media and Networking Platforms?

LinkedIn and Twitter can also be useful for finding machine learning engineers. These platforms allow employers to search for candidates and connect with potential hires. However, navigating these platforms and identifying the best candidates can take time and effort. Ideamotive can help by using what it knows about platforms and its network of contacts to determine the best candidates for each position.


Social media and networking have become integral to hiring in today's digital age. With the increasing demand for skilled machine learning engineers, employers are turning to platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to find the best talent. In addition, these platforms allow employers to view not only a candidate's resume but also their professional networks, past work experience, and colleague endorsements. This information can help determine whether a candidate fits a specific machine learning project or company culture.


LinkedIn is a platform with over 750 million members. The platform is designed for networking, job searching, and showcasing professional accomplishments. 


  • A large pool of potential candidates;
  • Professional profiles provide detailed information about candidates' skills and experience;
  • The inMail feature allows direct communication with potential candidates;
  • Endorsements and recommendations provide insight into a candidate's skills and work ethic.


  • LinkedIn can be time-consuming to navigate and search for candidates;
  • Some candidates may not have a complete profile or may not be active on the platform;
  • Premium features can be expensive for employers who are not actively hiring.

Twitter is a platform that allows users to post “tweets,” and interact with other users through “likes” and “retweets.” While Twitter may seem like a small platform for finding machine learning engineers, it can be a valuable resource for employers who know how to conduct an effective search.


  • A large pool of potential candidates;
  • Easy to search for candidates using hashtags and keywords;
  • You can get a glimpse into a candidate's personality and interests through their tweets;
  • The direct messaging feature allows for communication with potential candidates.


  • Candidates may not have a complete profile or may not be actively looking for job opportunities;
  • Tweets can be challenging to sift through, and irrelevant content can clutter search results;
  • You will find limited information about a candidate's professional experience and skills.

LinkedIn and Twitter can be valuable resources for finding machine learning engineers. These platforms offer information about potential candidates, including their professional experience, skills, and endorsements. However, navigating these platforms can take time and effort.

Why Choose Working with a Staff Augmentation Company 

Working with a company like Ideamotive, which specializes in IT staff augmentation, can be a better way to hire people. Staff augmentation makes it easy and quick for employers to find qualified candidates without spending time and resources recruiting and vetting them. Working with staff augmented company, gives several benefits for businesses looking to find the best machine learning engineers:

  1. Quick access to qualified candidates: Staff augmentation lets businesses quickly tap into a pool of qualified candidates without spending time and money on recruiting and screening candidates.
  2. Flexibility: Staff augmentation helps businesses scale up or down as needed, which can be particularly beneficial for projects with varying resource needs.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: Such cooperation can be more cost-effective than traditional hiring channels. Businesses only pay for the needed resources rather than invest in full-time employees with benefits.
  4. Access to specialized expertise: Staff augmentation companies like Ideamotive specialize in IT staffing, which means they have access to a pool of candidates with technical skills and expertise in machine learning models.

Ideamotive's services can help streamline the hiring process and find the best machine learning engineers by:

  1. Vetting and screening candidates: Ideamotive has a network of qualified candidates, including machine learning engineers, who have been vetted and screened to ensure they have the right skills and experience for each position.
  2. Finding the best candidates: Ideamotive can use its expertise and network to find the best candidates for each position, saving businesses time and resources when searching for qualified candidates.
  3. Helping with the whole hiring process: From finding the best candidates to negotiating contracts and managing the onboarding process, Ideamotive can guide and provide support throughout the hiring process.

Working with a staff augmentation company like Ideamotive can give your business quick access to qualified candidates, flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and specialized expertise. It can help streamline hiring and find the best machine-learning engineers for each position.

Tips to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineer by Yourself

If you are still unsure whether to try working with a staff augmentation company, here are some tips for finding the best machine learning engineers with an advanced degree for your data science team:


 - Use a variety of sources to identify potential candidates. It includes online job boards, social media, and professional networks.


 - Take time to interview multiple candidates. You will then better understand their skills and if they fit your team well.


 - Be prepared to offer competitive compensation. Machine learning engineers are in high demand and can command high salaries. Make sure you offer a talented employee a competitive or average salary and benefits package.


Where to Find the Best Machine Learning Engineers - Top Machine Learning Skills

Top Machine learning skills for 2022



When finding the best machine learning engineers, working with a company specializing in IT staff augmentation is the way to go. By partnering with such a firm, employers gain access to a vast pool of top talent, which increases the chances of finding the ideal candidate for the job. Also, these companies have experience conducting interviews and tests, so they know how to hire professionals.


If you're looking for the best machine learning engineers, Ideamotive is the perfect place to start. We have a vast network of highly skilled team members who know how to satisfy your hiring needs.

Michał Pruciak

Michał Pruciak is a seasoned consultant for tech leaders, known for his exceptional skills in business development and his passion for blending medical technology with cutting-edge advancements. He excels in strategic thinking and critical problem-solving, making him a valuable asset in his field. When he is not working, Michał enjoys watching movies and going for hikes, valuing a balance in his personal life through staying active.

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